Saturday, October 1, 2011


Today has been a Saturday that I have longed for, for a very long time. I have absolutely no where to be today! I have been able to clean as I have wanted to for a long time. I have watched t.v. when I have wanted to. I have spent time with the kids with out any other distractions. I don't get time like this often. As a mom to 4 very active kids 3 at home and 1 an hour and a half away, we very rarely have a day with no plans. Jalen, Maddy, Jared and I have spent quality time together today. We have actually accomplished a lot of cleaning today also. Which has been put off for a long time and it was much needed today. It actually looks inviting now instead of major clutter and would stress me out to even look at it. I have decided its time to get the priorities straight and get things done and keep them done. I am sad that my husband isn't here enjoying the day but I am sooooo glad he is working and its a local job. I am glad I get to see him daily. I am so happy with the things happening in our family. I am so thankful to my Father in Heaven because if it wasn't for Him where would my family be. I do not even want to know. I am so happy with the way things are going and I know that I can only thank Him. I am sooo grateful. Well I better get back to spending time with the kids

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