Well its a beautiful spring morning in Indiana!! I am writing this blog while sitting on the blog while sitting on the deck in the midst of the chaos of the six kids playing in the back yard. 4 of them are playing basketball two feet away from me with a volleyball off the roof of the house...... I am still trying to figure that one out...... Evan just fell off the big wheel and Elise can't get his shoe back on him is what she just informed me! The dogs are barking crazily!! But I wouldn't trade this life for anything. I love the sound of these kids having fun and enjoying the outside. And even with all the chaos I am at peace. Peace that only can come from Heavenly Father.
This past weekend was General Conference and wow what a blessing it was!! I prepared all last week for it in prayer and study. I wrote down some questions I needed answered. And wow they were answered. During conference I was reminded my greatest calling was to be a mother. I knew this but I needed the reminder. I needed to remember to put this calling before my other callings in the church. Thank you Heavenly Father for the reminder. I learned so much and gave so many lessons that I am starting to work on now to improve my life and my family's life.
So one thing I am working on is cooking. I really don't know how to cook. Yes I am thirty and I don't..... I know basic things but I want to do more. So yesterday was my first time to cook with fresh garlic.... Well I didn't know what a clove of garlic was.. I know crazy right??? But I didn't so I thought it was the whole thing.... So I have tons of garlic now. I am glad I had an aha moment and looked up online what a clove of garlic was or my dinner would have been VERY garlicy and nasty.. But it turned out good. Now another new homemade meal tonight and I hope its just as good. I am trying to get away from processed foods and I am doing more fresh foods. We are not doing any canned food anymore. So I am doing more frozen veggies and fresh veggies and fruits!!!
I know some things in my life are not great but we are managing.... There is a plan and like I prayed this morning Heavenly Father knows my future and I would love to know what it holds for me but I know he will let me know when the time comes.... I am so blessed for I know who holds it!!